My media product is a Bhangra Music magazine Contents page. It uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media products.

On the right is a music magazine contents page. This page has a colour scheme of red, white and black. This page uses highlighting effects to help make the text stand out more, this is a really effective way and I may be able to use this within my magazine also as it will aid some of my text to stand out more also. It may also help the text appear more clear and readable.
I've noticed both these contents pages include their magazine cover. Therefore I will include my magazine cover within my contents page.
2. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
My media product is a bhangra music magazine contents page. Throughout the construction of my product, I have learnt about technologies such as using Adobe Photoshop and mainly Adobe Indesign. Both these programmes have helped me create my product. I have learnt to use many tools within these programmes for example, in Adobe InDesign I have learned to make my images look better by selecting then right clicking the image and making it better high quality.
3. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
My media product is a bhangra music magazine contents page. My preliminary task was to create a school/college magazine Contents page. I had recieved feedback on it, which has helped me progress my work and give me more knowledge on what I can do better to improve my contents page and future magazine contents pages I create. The feedback I have recieved from my preliminary task was very helpful.
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