My media product is a Bhangra music magazine front cover. I have used proffessional products like real magazine front covers to help me design my product. Below I have placed two different asian magazines which have helped me.

On the right is Brit-Asian magazine, which is also a Lifestyle magazine for asian people. The model featured on this magazine is Jay sean. He is shown fully clothed wearing black clashing with the background which is also black. The colour scheme used within this cover is black, white and gold. What I have noticed within this magazine is that it also has a top banner selling line, "The worlds leading interactive asian magazine". This helps persuade people to buy the magazine and also helps identify who the magazine is targetting. This magazine is layed out quite simply as there isn't any articles displayed on the sides, just top and bottom banner, a left third, masthead and an advert.
This has helped me with codes and conventions to include within my media product as I want to avoid using images that degrade women. Also I want to use a top and bottom banner, a top banner to illustrate to the audience who I am targetting and also as a selling technique to persuade the audience to purchase my magazine. I will be using a bottom banner to state the subjects and briefly outline what my magazine holds. For example; Music, Reviews, Competitions, etc.
2. How are you designing your media product to represent particular social groups?
As my media product is a bhangra music magazine front cover, my audience and readers will mostly revolve around south asian people. I am designing my media products to represent particular social groups by adding words and phrases that are bhangra related, and of which asian people understand. They will feel to read the magazine as there are cultural references and other factors that they may be able to relate to. Clothing and jewellery is another factor, as within bhangra clothing is very bright and jewellery is most often worn.
Adding asian people to the magazine is also a way asian people may feel they can relate to the magazine. Featuring people of both genders, and having a variety of age groups featured within the magazine will also help me represent the different social groups. Bhangra itself is from the punjab, so punjabi people will be attracted to the magazine anyways, as music and dance is a huge part of their culture and traditions.
I am designing my media product to feature asian people, and within the front cover I will place a british asian female with an age range of 18-30. I will make sure my cover is colourful and relates to bhangra. I will include culteral references within the articles featured on the cover. I will also lay out my magazine like other asian magazines in order to represent particular social groups within the asian audience.
3. How are you attracting/addressing your audience?
My target audience are british or european people of south asian descent. The audience my magazine will target is both male and female around the ages of 15-45. My media product is using factors such as bhangra music and other references towards bhangra and its orgigins to target my audience. I will feature asian people, british/european asians to attract/address my audience. I am attracting/addressing my audience by using an effective colour scheme. Also my masthead is big, bold and clear, this enables it to stand out and catch the readers eye. My cover lines and text featured will be in a contrasting colour and will stand out for readers to see the headlines. I am addressing british and european people as I have designed my page to have the price in pounds and in euros.
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